Types of Settlements

Exploring The World

Throughout the vast universe of Lemuria, players will encounter towns, villages, cities even some kingdoms.


  • Smaller village settlements can be found throughout most planetary systems.

  • Daily quests and some starting storyline quests may be offered.

  • May not have any trainers available for players to learn new professions and skills.

  • Little to no defense support systems are available.


  • Town settlements are often located within small to medium size planetary systems.

  • Daily quests and some starting storyline quests may be offered.

  • Generally have a few NPC trainers available for players to learn new professions and skills.

  • Small defense support systems are available.


  • Cities are often located within medium to bigger size planetary systems.

  • Daily quests and storyline quests will be offered.

  • Will have advanced NPC trainers available for players to learn new professions and skills.

  • Large defense support systems are available.


  • Kingdoms are often located within bigger size planetary systems, with large general populations.

  • Daily quests and storyline quests will be offered.

  • Will have advanced NPC trainers available for players to learn new professions and skills.

  • Impenetrable defense support systems are available.

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